Saturday, 6 March 2010

The Lovely Beams

Just when I was beginning to give up on them, the steel men came and measured up. They started work that night and 2 days later came and installed all the steel.

The steels are lovely and as far as I can see they are in the right place.

It doesn't really look like much has happened in the past few weeks. Apart from the beams the garage door has gone on and bizarrely we've had our kitchen sink delivered.

The building still looks slightly surreal with the ziggarat style wall. (Temporary - we hope!)

While they had the lifting gear (and men) they also lifted the timber gluelams for the sitting room roof. So now they are in their pockets,  which is good - but they are not level - somehow the pockets in the wall were set too low on one side. They were correct on the drawing!

This end of the timber gluelam beam needs lifting about 200mm and straightening up.

No crane involved.  A big hi-ab, plenty of men and good planning.  Thanks guys!

I've made a new model 1/50th scale to help explain the roof shape. (My first model got crushed in the car boot). This model doesn't include the ground floor.

Next job - rafters on and a real roof, can't wait!

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