Friday, 23 April 2010

Inside the house - late April

With the roof on we're turning our attention to the inside of the house.

2nd Floor

Most of the work has been on the top floor, putting in stud walls, a giant storage shelf and sealing and adding insulation.

Insulation board over rafters, and before the space blanket to fit between rafters.                                                                                

Depending on our Building Regs department this  internal window in the bathroom may or may not become a laundry chute down to the utility room.  I'm hoping it will be OK as it's not a "habitable room".

The boys' team.

Still Life with Foam Gun

Stairs to from first to second floor.  Possibly the world's finest temporary staircase.

First Floor - the main living area - this is ground level at the back of the house.

Corner of kitchen and utility

Looking through kitchen to utility.

View from landing to kitchen. The black webbing built into the ICF block can be clearly seen in the door way. There'll be a narrow pair of French doors onto the garden.

The sitting room - already in use.

Ground Floor

Apart from the windows the ground floor has looked the same for a couple of months at least....

It is freezing down here still, well not quite freezing but it still feels like it.

The biggest change on this floor has been the connection of the water supply. It comes in under the foundation slab and up into the ground floor store room.

 Meanwhile, outside we've started on the stone slips.  Pleased to say they seem to be sticking.

The stone cills and lintels are here from the quarry and ready to go up.    

Some of the slips are really tapered and just too thin to use. I really hope we'll have enough thick ones.

Next jobs, insulate the ground floor, lay underfloor heating and screed the ground and first floors. Also on the list, first fix plumbing continue , airtightness sealing and attaching stone slips.

Should be a busy week or so...

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

The roof completed week ending 16th April

Front roof complete and road dug up for water supply - finally connected 14th April

Back roof coming on well...

Weekend view 18th April - The back roof is finished. There is just the lead to dress at the ends and the guttering to go up.

Fingers crossed those solar panels work! They are nice and neat and look like roof windows.

The roof windows aren't quite as flush with the roof as I would have liked but for good reason - they are sitting on the insulation board rather than through it. This should greatly reduce any heat-loss around them.

Max in front of the kitchen wall, there will be a pair of French doors in the big hole and further along another glazed door to the utility room.

They are waiting in the garage for the scaffolding to come down.

My hope is that the unheated utility room will act as an air-lock during the heating season, with the kitchen French doors swinging into action for the warmer months (or days).

It was 22 degrees here on Saturday the 17th and just 1 degree first thing on the 19th.

It's definitely greener on the other side of the fence, but I've planted some grass. I thought I'd post this view as we won't see the garden from this angle again once the scaffolding is down.

View along the high gable...

Close up of Artstone slates - made down the road in Holmfirth - I like the look but they are quite fragile to work with.

Gavin, here to do the solar panels - he's kind of wishing we had the cylinder already..

Beginning to fill in the gaps, lots and lots of filling to do yet.  We're only on the first case of expanding foam, and we have plenty of insulation board in various thicknesses too.

Viewed from the narrow end of Field lane the house is fitting in.